Familie Pasolini
Viale Giosué Carducci 299
47042 Cesenatico
Website of the hotel
Roadbike Plus
Roadbike & Wellness
Roadbike & Wellness
  • Private panorama SPA at the roof
  • Relaxation pool, sauna & chill-out room
  • Massages & treatments
Roadbike & Sport
Roadbike & Sport
  • Swimming
  • Many sports facilities in close proximity
Roadbike & Swimming
Roadbike & Swimming
You love to swim in the lake or the sea? No problem. Our hotels have a swimming beach where you can sunbathe and enjoy a swim in refreshing water.
Roadbike & Family
Roadbike & Family
Are you travelling with your family? Great! Even the youngest guests feel happy at our hotels. A children’s programme full of variety and competent childcare are waiting.
Escort vehicle
Escort vehicle
Whether you need luggage transport, provisions along the route or a shuttle service, these hotels provide an escort vehicle.
Clubs & associations
Clubs & associations
Our hotels offer special programmes for large groups of cycle sports enthusiasts. This includes seminar rooms for presentations and analyses.
Are you training for the next triathlon? Apart from road bike tours, there are designated running routes as well as swimming routes in the lake, sea or pool in the surroundings of our hotels.
Roadbike services Services of all road bike hotels

Lungomare Bike Hotel Raod bike hotel in Cesenatico / Adriatic coast / Emilia Romagna / Italy

Rennrad Hotel Lungomare in Cesenatico
Rennrad Hotel Lungomare in Cesenatico
Rennradhotel Lungomare mit Pool
Rennradhotel Lungomare mit Pool
Doppelzimmer im Rennradhotel
Doppelzimmer im Rennradhotel
Zimmer Sole im Hotel Lungomare
Zimmer Sole im Hotel Lungomare
SPA & Wellness
SPA & Wellness
Wellness & Spa
Wellness & Spa
Sauna im Rennradhotel
Sauna im Rennradhotel
Pool vom Rennradhotel
Pool vom Rennradhotel
Rennradfahren in Cesenatico Italien
Rennradfahren in Cesenatico Italien
Highlights der Rennradtour
Highlights der Rennradtour
Rennradurlaub in der Emilia Romagna
Rennradurlaub in der Emilia Romagna
Rennradfahrer am Hafen
Rennradfahrer am Hafen
Rennradtour in Cesenatico
Rennradtour in Cesenatico
Rennradtour in Cesenatico
Rennradtour in Cesenatico
Rennradurlaub im Lungomare Bike Hotel
Rennrad Hotel Lungomare in Cesenatico
Rennradhotel Lungomare mit Pool
Doppelzimmer im Rennradhotel
Zimmer Sole im Hotel Lungomare
SPA & Wellness
Wellness & Spa
Sauna im Rennradhotel
Pool vom Rennradhotel
Rennradfahren in Cesenatico Italien
Highlights der Rennradtour
Rennradurlaub in der Emilia Romagna
Rennradfahrer am Hafen
Rennradtour in Cesenatico
Rennradtour in Cesenatico
from € 61,00 Price per person
Lungomare Bike Hotel Raod bike hotel in Cesenatico / Adriatic coast / Emilia Romagna / Italy

Highlights for your road bike holiday in Cesenatico

  • Bike garage with alarm

    Workshop corner & e-bike charging station

  • Swimming pool ideal for triathletes with a whirlpool

    (headed March to November)

  • Road bike, MTB, e-bike & gravel bike rental

    (exclusive partner hotel of Pinarello)

Lungomare Bike Hotel Road bike holidays in Cesenatico

Roadbike Holidays Hotel Lungomare is situated directly at the sea in the small holiday village of Cesenatico. Starting from Marco Pantani’s birthplace, you can explore the training routes of the former cycling pro together with the bike guides of the hotel or on your own. The 1,415 metres-high Monte Carpegna is surely the best destination for this. The mountain used to be Pantani‘s training mountain.

  • The Emilia Romagna Region is also known for its mild temperatures and the hardly frequented roads.
  • The hotel’s location is the perfect starting point for road bikers of all ability levels.
  • Gravel biking adventures are also waiting for you in Emilia Romagna: There is, for example, the highlight tour Santarcangelo di Romagna or along the Marecchia river into the backcountry.

Hotel Lungomare is also the perfect choice for you and your family. Anyone who is not as enthusiastic about cycling as you can enjoy an extensive programme of other leisure activities. A Technogym fitness room, a wellness area, children’s and non-sportsmen entertainment and of course the sea promise every family member a fantastic holiday experience.

Highlights on a gravel bike holiday in Cesenatico:

  • Gravel bike tours from the sea into the backcountry
  • Historical gravel bike routes along castles and rivers
  • Port of Cesenatico - planned by universal genius Leonardo da Vinci
  • Gravel biking between art and culture
Is there still an offer for your desired date?

Bikeguides Lungomare Bike Hotel

Discover together with our free of charge & experienced guides the same routes on which Marco Pantani used to train. Ideal for triathletes and training camps.

to the roadbike-competence

Highlights for your road bike holiday in Cesenatico

  • Bike garage with alarm

    Workshop corner & e-bike charging station

  • Swimming pool ideal for triathletes with a whirlpool

    (headed March to November)

  • Road bike, MTB, e-bike & gravel bike rental

    (exclusive partner hotel of Pinarello)

Roadbike Plus
Roadbike & Wellness
Roadbike & Wellness Private panorama SPA at the... Private panorama SPA at the roof Relaxation pool, sauna & chill-out room Massages & treatments
Roadbike & Sport
Roadbike & Sport Swimming Many sports... Swimming Many sports facilities in close proximity
Roadbike & Swimming
Roadbike & Swimming You love to swim in the lake... You love to swim in the lake or the sea? No problem. Our hotels have a swimming beach where you can sunbathe and enjoy a swim in refreshing water.
Roadbike & Family
Roadbike & Family Are you travelling with your... Are you travelling with your family? Great! Even the youngest guests feel happy at our hotels. A children’s programme full of variety and competent childcare are waiting.
Escort vehicle
Escort vehicle Whether you need luggage... Whether you need luggage transport, provisions along the route or a shuttle service, these hotels provide an escort vehicle.
Clubs & associations
Clubs & associations Our hotels offer special... Our hotels offer special programmes for large groups of cycle sports enthusiasts. This includes seminar rooms for presentations and analyses.
Triathlon Are you training for the next... Are you training for the next triathlon? Apart from road bike tours, there are designated running routes as well as swimming routes in the lake, sea or pool in the surroundings of our hotels.
Familie Pasolini
Viale Giosué Carducci 299
47042 Cesenatico

More information about your roadbike holiday in Cesenatico

Non-binding request for the road bike hotel in Cesenatico

Durch das Absenden des Formulars, stimme ich zu, dass meine personenbezogenen Daten - wie in der Datenschutzerklärung beschrieben - zur Beantwortung der Anfrage und Information verarbeitet werden. Diese Zustimmung kann ich jederzeit unter datenschutz@mts-austria.at widerrufen.

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Your inquiry goes directly to the road bike hotel: Hotel Lungomare Hospitality srl, Familie Pasolini, Viale Giosué Carducci 299, 47042 Cesenatico, Italien, CIN: IT040008A1B9BO9CSI

Road bike competence at Lungomare Bike Hotel

In our certified road bike hotel, you will meet like-minded people. We are happy to advise you and give you tips on the region Adriatic Coast and the best road bike tours in Cesenatico.

Bikeguide Manuel Senni


A former road bike professional is the bike manager of the Lungomare Bike Hotel. He knows all the roads in Romagna and will accompany you every day on the most beautiful road bike tours of the region and also knows many culinary insider tips.

Guide Andrea


He speaks four languages fluently and manages any kind of cycling tour. He is for sure an guarantee for safeness in any kind of situation. His biggest joy? If those who join him on track, can’t await the next day!

Guide Filippo


With pleasure he would choose a lot of more time on the wheel pedals as on reading books instead, but at the moment he has on goal infront of his eyes: his graduation. He is our youngest guide, a guide how loves to climb mountains on bikes, a so-called climber. He will lead you to the most unexplored road bike places.

Guide Francesca


She got her passion to cycling from her father, he transformed every cycling tour into an experience! If you have the opportunity to go on a bike tour with her, you will be delighted of the historical storys from her home country.

Bikeguides Lungomare Bike Hotel

Discover together with our free of charge & experienced guides the same routes on which Marco Pantani used to train. Ideal for triathletes and training camps.

to the roadbike-competence

Offers of the Lungomare Bike Hotel

Lungomare Bike Hotel is the certified road bike hotel in Cesenatico for your cycling holiday in Emiglia Romagna. Select your offer for your road bike holiday in Emilia Romagna - Italy now.

Tours for road bikers from Lungomare Bike Hotel

Choose your cycling tour for your road bike holiday at the Adriatic Coast in Emilia Romagna, Italy now.

Bertinoro - Lungomare Bike Hotel

Bertinoro Roadbike tour from Cesenatico, Adriatic coast

78 km / 235 hm
Longiano - Roncofreddo - Montiano - Lungomare Bike Hotel

Longiano - Roncofreddo - Montiano Roadbike tour from Cesenatico, Adriatic coast

66 km / 652 hm
Sogliano - Lungomare Bike Hotel

Sogliano Roadbike tour from Cesenatico, Adriatic coast

82 km / 618 hm
Il Cippo - Auf den Spuren des Piraten - Lungomare Bike Hotel

Il Cippo - Auf den Spuren des Piraten Roadbike tour from Cesenatico, Adriatic coast

140 km / 2.290 hm
Traccia Gravel - Lungomare Bike Hotel

Traccia Gravel Roadbike tour from Cesenatico, Adriatic coast

86 km / 890 hm

Offers of the Lungomare Bike Hotel

Lungomare Bike Hotel is the certified road bike hotel in Cesenatico for your cycling holiday in Emiglia Romagna. Select your offer for your road bike holiday in Emilia Romagna - Italy now.

Your contract partner for inquiry & booking: Hotel Lungomare Hospitality srl, Familie Pasolini, Viale Giosué Carducci 299, 47042 Cesenatico, Italien, CIN: IT040008A1B9BO9CSI

Non-binding inquiry to the Lungomare Bike Hotel

You are interested in our prices and packages? Please tell us your holiday wishes and we will gladly send you a non-binding offer.

Non-binding request for the road bike hotel in Cesenatico

Durch das Absenden des Formulars, stimme ich zu, dass meine personenbezogenen Daten - wie in der Datenschutzerklärung beschrieben - zur Beantwortung der Anfrage und Information verarbeitet werden. Diese Zustimmung kann ich jederzeit unter datenschutz@mts-austria.at widerrufen.

Please complete all fields marked with *.

Your inquiry goes directly to the road bike hotel: Hotel Lungomare Hospitality srl, Familie Pasolini, Viale Giosué Carducci 299, 47042 Cesenatico, Italien, CIN: IT040008A1B9BO9CSI

Ratings of Lungomare Bike Hotel

All information and ratings about Lungomare Bike Hotel in Cesenatico in Emilia Romagna can be found here.

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Lungomare Bike Hotel Emilia Romagna, Adriatic coast, 47042 Cesenatico, Viale Giosué Carducci 299