Enrico Comini
Via Dolomiti 24
39034 Toblach (BZ)
Website of the hotel
Roadbike Plus
Roadbike & Wellness
Roadbike & Wellness
Here you can relax properly. Hotels with this service are designated wellness establishments with top spa programme.
Roadbike & Sport
Roadbike & Sport
If you want to enjoy other sports activities apart from road biking, then use the extensive sports programme of our hotels.
Clubs & associations
Clubs & associations
Our hotels offer special programmes for large groups of cycle sports enthusiasts. This includes seminar rooms for presentations and analyses.
Roadbike & Gourmet
Roadbike & Gourmet
You are a gourmet and love sophisticated Toque cuisine? Then are these excellent gourmet hotels just perfect for you.
Roadbike services Services of all road bike hotels

Hotel Union S Raod bike hotel in Toblach (BZ) / Three Peaks Dolomites / South Tyrol / Italy

Rennradhotel Union in den Dolomiten
Rennradhotel Union in den Dolomiten
Genuss & Kulinarik im Hotel Union
Genuss & Kulinarik im Hotel Union
Dessert im Rennradhotel Union in den Dolomiten
Dessert im Rennradhotel Union in den Dolomiten
Vinothek im Rennradhotel
Vinothek im Rennradhotel
Zimmer im Rennradhotel Union in den Dolomiten
Zimmer im Rennradhotel Union in den Dolomiten
Schwimmbad im Rennradhotel
Schwimmbad im Rennradhotel
Wellnessbereich im Rennradhotel Union
Wellnessbereich im Rennradhotel Union
Rennradhotel Union in Südtirol
Rennradhotel Union in Südtirol
Rennradurlaub in Südtirol
Rennradurlaub in Südtirol
Rennradregion Drei Zinnen
Rennradregion Drei Zinnen
Drei Zinnen in den Dolomiten
Drei Zinnen in den Dolomiten
Rennradurlaub in Südtirol
Rennradurlaub in Südtirol
Rennradhotel Union in den Dolomiten
Genuss & Kulinarik im Hotel Union
Dessert im Rennradhotel Union in den Dolomiten
Vinothek im Rennradhotel
Zimmer im Rennradhotel Union in den Dolomiten
Schwimmbad im Rennradhotel
Wellnessbereich im Rennradhotel Union
Rennradhotel Union in Südtirol
Rennradurlaub in Südtirol
Rennradregion Drei Zinnen
Drei Zinnen in den Dolomiten
Rennradurlaub in Südtirol
from € 85,00 Price per person
Check availability
Hotel Union S Raod bike hotel in Toblach (BZ) / Three Peaks Dolomites / South Tyrol / Italy

Highlights for your road bike holiday in Toblach (BZ)

  • Ideal starting point for tours

    directly on the Puster Valley cycle route

  • Partner Bike Academy & professional guides

    individual advice with a welcome bike kit

  • Video-monitored bike room

    road bike rental in the hotel

Hotel Union Road bike holidays in Toblach

Your holiday at Hotel Union in Toblach at the base of the famous Tre Cime di Lavaredo is all about sport and nature.

  • The many tours and routes lead through the unique landscape of the Dolomites and start directly at the front door.
  • It is up to you whether you want to tackle one of the many Dolomites passes or whether you leisurely cycle along on one of the region’s beautiful cycle tracks, leading past the hotel nearby.
  • And you can hire a suitable road bike directly at the hotel.

Apart from the road bike programme, there are many other sports activities waiting for you. How about a climbing tour? Or a hiking tour? Golf, tennis or mountain biking are also on the agenda. If you just want to relax, then is the beautiful wellness area perfect for you. Swimming pool, saunas, whirlpool and wellness showers contribute to your wellbeing.

Or you can expand your road bike horizons with gravel biking. There are some great gravel bike adventures around the Cristallo massif or the old railway line from Dobbiaco to Cortina d'Ampezzo.

If you wish to treat yourself to some delicacies during your holiday, you will love the new Bistrò Union which also includes a winery.

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Enrico Comini Hotel Union

Together we explore the most mysterious places, experience unforgettable moments in & around Dobbiaco as well as the Tre Cime di Lavaredo, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

to the roadbike-competence

Highlights for your road bike holiday in Toblach (BZ)

  • Ideal starting point for tours

    directly on the Puster Valley cycle route

  • Partner Bike Academy & professional guides

    individual advice with a welcome bike kit

  • Video-monitored bike room

    road bike rental in the hotel

Roadbike Plus
Roadbike & Wellness
Roadbike & Wellness Here you can relax properly.... Here you can relax properly. Hotels with this service are designated wellness establishments with top spa programme.
Roadbike & Sport
Roadbike & Sport If you want to enjoy other... If you want to enjoy other sports activities apart from road biking, then use the extensive sports programme of our hotels.
Clubs & associations
Clubs & associations Our hotels offer special... Our hotels offer special programmes for large groups of cycle sports enthusiasts. This includes seminar rooms for presentations and analyses.
Roadbike & Gourmet
Roadbike & Gourmet You are a gourmet and love... You are a gourmet and love sophisticated Toque cuisine? Then are these excellent gourmet hotels just perfect for you.
Enrico Comini
Via Dolomiti 24
39034 Toblach (BZ)

More information about your roadbike holiday in Toblach (BZ)

Non-binding request for the road bike hotel in Toblach (BZ)

Durch das Absenden des Formulars, stimme ich zu, dass meine personenbezogenen Daten - wie in der Datenschutzerklärung beschrieben - zur Beantwortung der Anfrage und Information verarbeitet werden. Diese Zustimmung kann ich jederzeit unter datenschutz@mts-austria.at widerrufen.

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Your inquiry goes directly to the road bike hotel: Hotel Union della famiglia Comini B. & Co. s.a.s.-KG, Via Dolomiti 24, 39034 Toblach (BZ), Italien, CIN: IT021028A1NP8PCPD2

Road bike competence at Hotel Union

In our certified road bike hotel, you will meet like-minded people. We are happy to advise you and give you tips on the region Three Peaks Dolomites and the best road bike tours in Toblach.

Enrico Comini Hotel Union

Together we explore the most mysterious places, experience unforgettable moments in & around Dobbiaco as well as the Tre Cime di Lavaredo, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

to the roadbike-competence

Offers of Hotel Union in Toblach

Hotel Union is the certified road bike hotel in Toblach for your cycling holiday in the region Three Peaks Dolomites. Select your offer for your road bike holiday in South Tyrol - Italy now.

Tours for road bikers from Hotel Union

Choose your cycling tour for your road bike holiday in the region Three Peaks Dolomites in South Tyrol, Italy now.

Toblach-Cortina-Giau-Falzarego-Cortina-Toblach - Hotel Union

Toblach-Cortina-Giau-Falzarego-Cortina-T... Roadbike tour from Toblach (BZ), Three Peaks Dolomites

126 km / 2.900 hm
Dreizinnen Tour - Hotel Union

Dreizinnen Tour Roadbike tour from Toblach (BZ), Three Peaks Dolomites

103 km / 2.330 hm
Dolomitenrunde extrem - Hotel Union

Dolomitenrunde extrem Roadbike tour from Toblach (BZ), Three Peaks Dolomites

230 km / 9.040 hm
Dobbiaco-Cortina-Dobbiaco - Hotel Union

Dobbiaco-Cortina-Dobbiaco Roadbike tour from Toblach (BZ), Three Peaks Dolomites

63 km / 1.150 hm
Antholz-Staller Sattel - Hotel Union

Antholz-Staller Sattel Roadbike tour from Toblach (BZ), Three Peaks Dolomites

141 km / 1.900 hm

Offers of Hotel Union in Toblach

Hotel Union is the certified road bike hotel in Toblach for your cycling holiday in the region Three Peaks Dolomites. Select your offer for your road bike holiday in South Tyrol - Italy now.

Your contract partner for inquiry & booking: Hotel Union della famiglia Comini B. & Co. s.a.s.-KG, Via Dolomiti 24, 39034 Toblach (BZ), Italien, CIN: IT021028A1NP8PCPD2

Non-binding inquiry to Hotel Union

You are interested in our prices and packages? Please tell us your holiday wishes and we will gladly send you a non-binding offer.

Non-binding request for the road bike hotel in Toblach (BZ)

Durch das Absenden des Formulars, stimme ich zu, dass meine personenbezogenen Daten - wie in der Datenschutzerklärung beschrieben - zur Beantwortung der Anfrage und Information verarbeitet werden. Diese Zustimmung kann ich jederzeit unter datenschutz@mts-austria.at widerrufen.

Please complete all fields marked with *.

Your inquiry goes directly to the road bike hotel: Hotel Union della famiglia Comini B. & Co. s.a.s.-KG, Via Dolomiti 24, 39034 Toblach (BZ), Italien, CIN: IT021028A1NP8PCPD2

Ratings of Hotel Union in Toblach

All information and ratings about Hotel Union in Toblach in South Tyrol can be found here.

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Hotel Union S South Tyrol, Three Peaks Dolomites, 39034 Toblach (BZ), Via Dolomiti 24