Das Walchsee Aktivresort
Johannesstraße 1
6344 Walchsee in Tirol
Website of the hotel
Roadbike Plus
Roadbike & Wellness
Roadbike & Wellness
Here you can relax properly. Hotels with this service are designated wellness establishments with top spa programme.
Roadbike & Sport
Roadbike & Sport
If you want to enjoy other sports activities apart from road biking, then use the extensive sports programme of our hotels.
Roadbike & Swimming
Roadbike & Swimming
You love to swim in the lake or the sea? No problem. Our hotels have a swimming beach where you can sunbathe and enjoy a swim in refreshing water.
Are you training for the next triathlon? Apart from road bike tours, there are designated running routes as well as swimming routes in the lake, sea or pool in the surroundings of our hotels.
Roadbike services Services of all road bike hotels

Das Walchsee Aktivresort Raod bike hotel in Walchsee in Tirol / Kaiserwinkl / Tyrol / Austria

Das Walchsee Aktivresort
Das Walchsee Aktivresort
Rennrad- & Gravelurlaub in Walchsee
Rennrad- & Gravelurlaub in Walchsee
Kulinarik & Genuss im Das Walchsee
Kulinarik & Genuss im Das Walchsee
Family Zimmer
Family Zimmer
Pool vom Das Walchsee
Pool vom Das Walchsee
Relax & Wellness Rennradhotel
Relax & Wellness Rennradhotel
Hot Stone Massage
Hot Stone Massage
Pool vom Walchsee Aktivresort
Pool vom Walchsee Aktivresort
Rennradurlaub in Walchsee
Rennradurlaub in Walchsee
Das Walchsee Aktivresort
Rennrad- & Gravelurlaub in Walchsee
Kulinarik & Genuss im Das Walchsee
Family Zimmer
Pool vom Das Walchsee
Relax & Wellness Rennradhotel
Hot Stone Massage
Pool vom Walchsee Aktivresort
Rennradurlaub in Walchsee
from € 100,00 Price per person
Das Walchsee Aktivresort Raod bike hotel in Walchsee in Tirol / Kaiserwinkl / Tyrol / Austria

Highlights for your road bike holiday in Walchsee in Tirol

  • Workshop corner

    with high-quality equipment

  • Kaiserwinkl Challenge Round
  • Personal consultations

    with road bike experts

  • Guided road bike tours

    through the unique landscape with its mountains and lakes

Das Walchsee Aktivresort Roadbike holidays in Walchsee in Tyrol

In the morning, cycle below the impressive alpine panorama of the Kaiserwinkl and proudly stand up to the Hohe Salve, Wilder Kaiser and Zahmer Kaiser; in the afternoon, relax and put your tired feet up in the Finnish sauna. You’ll find this unbeatable combination of an active and relaxing holiday in the Das Walchsee Aktivresort in Kaiserwinkl. Road bike enthusiasts will find exactly what they’re looking for between the jagged peaks of the Kaiser Mountains and flat routes alongside the crystal-clear Walchsee lake.

  • Over 200 kilometres of cycle trails offer the ideal training conditions and breathtaking panoramic routes.
  • After a lengthy road bike tour, the Move & Relax concept in the hotel offers the ideal regeneration while enjoying views of the Walchsee lake. Enjoy well-deserved relaxation packages including a sauna landscape, indoor and outdoor pool and a comprehensive massage and activity programme.
  • Your holiday experience in the wellness & sports resort is rounded off with a culinary indulgence programme and the typical Tyrolean hospitality. Arriving here feels just like coming home.
Is there still an offer for your desired date?

Patrick Das Walchsee Aktivresort

Move & Relax manager Patrick is a highly trained and certified bike guide. Together with his team you will explore varied routes and the breathtaking ambience around the Zahmen & Wilden Kaiser.

to the roadbike-competence

Highlights for your road bike holiday in Walchsee in Tirol

  • Workshop corner

    with high-quality equipment

  • Kaiserwinkl Challenge Round
  • Personal consultations

    with road bike experts

  • Guided road bike tours

    through the unique landscape with its mountains and lakes

Roadbike Plus
Roadbike & Wellness
Roadbike & Wellness Here you can relax properly.... Here you can relax properly. Hotels with this service are designated wellness establishments with top spa programme.
Roadbike & Sport
Roadbike & Sport If you want to enjoy other... If you want to enjoy other sports activities apart from road biking, then use the extensive sports programme of our hotels.
Roadbike & Swimming
Roadbike & Swimming You love to swim in the lake... You love to swim in the lake or the sea? No problem. Our hotels have a swimming beach where you can sunbathe and enjoy a swim in refreshing water.
Triathlon Are you training for the next... Are you training for the next triathlon? Apart from road bike tours, there are designated running routes as well as swimming routes in the lake, sea or pool in the surroundings of our hotels.
Das Walchsee Aktivresort
Johannesstraße 1
6344 Walchsee in Tirol

More information about your roadbike holiday in Walchsee in Tirol

Non-binding request for the road bike hotel in Walchsee in Tirol

Durch das Absenden des Formulars, stimme ich zu, dass meine personenbezogenen Daten - wie in der Datenschutzerklärung beschrieben - zur Beantwortung der Anfrage und Information verarbeitet werden. Diese Zustimmung kann ich jederzeit unter datenschutz@mts-austria.at widerrufen.

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Your inquiry goes directly to the road bike hotel: Das Walchsee Hotel GmbH, Johannesstraße 1, 6344 Walchsee in Tirol, Österreich

Patrick Das Walchsee Aktivresort

Move & Relax manager Patrick is a highly trained and certified bike guide. Together with his team you will explore varied routes and the breathtaking ambience around the Zahmen & Wilden Kaiser.

to the roadbike-competence

Offers of the Walchsee Aktivresort

Das Walchsee Aktivresort is the certified road bike hotel in Walchsee for your cycling holiday at the Kaiserwinkl. Select your offer for your road bike holiday in Tyrol - Austria now.

Tours for road biker from the Walchsee Aktivresort

Choose your cycling tour for your road bike holiday at the Kaiserwinkl in Tyrol, Austria now.

PillerSee Runde - Das Walchsee Aktivresort

PillerSee Runde Roadbike tour from Walchsee in Tirol, Kaiserwinkl

74 km / 690 hm
Kaiserwinkl Challenge Runde - Das Walchsee Aktivresort

Kaiserwinkl Challenge Runde Roadbike tour from Walchsee in Tirol, Kaiserwinkl

48 km / 520 hm
Rund um den Wilden Kaiser - Das Walchsee Aktivresort

Rund um den Wilden Kaiser Roadbike tour from Walchsee in Tirol, Kaiserwinkl

69 km / 800 hm
Rettenschöss - Niederndorfer Berg - Das Walchsee Aktivresort

Rettenschöss - Niederndorfer Berg Roadbike tour from Walchsee in Tirol, Kaiserwinkl

32 km / 600 hm
Sudelfeld Runde - Das Walchsee Aktivresort

Sudelfeld Runde Roadbike tour from Walchsee in Tirol, Kaiserwinkl

76 km / 1.280 hm

Offers of the Walchsee Aktivresort

Das Walchsee Aktivresort is the certified road bike hotel in Walchsee for your cycling holiday at the Kaiserwinkl. Select your offer for your road bike holiday in Tyrol - Austria now.

Your contract partner for inquiry & booking: Das Walchsee Hotel GmbH, Johannesstraße 1, 6344 Walchsee in Tirol, Österreich

Non-binding inquiry to the Walchsee Aktivresort

You are interested in our prices and packages? Please tell us your holiday wishes and we will gladly send you a non-binding offer.

Non-binding request for the road bike hotel in Walchsee in Tirol

Durch das Absenden des Formulars, stimme ich zu, dass meine personenbezogenen Daten - wie in der Datenschutzerklärung beschrieben - zur Beantwortung der Anfrage und Information verarbeitet werden. Diese Zustimmung kann ich jederzeit unter datenschutz@mts-austria.at widerrufen.

Please complete all fields marked with *.

Your inquiry goes directly to the road bike hotel: Das Walchsee Hotel GmbH, Johannesstraße 1, 6344 Walchsee in Tirol, Österreich

Ratings of the Walchsee Aktivresort

All information and ratings about the Das Walchsee Aktivresort in Kaiserwinkl in Tyrol can be found here.

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Das Walchsee Aktivresort Tyrol, Kaiserwinkl, 6344 Walchsee in Tirol, Johannesstraße 1