Das Hohe Salve Sportresort
Meierhofgasse 26
6361 Hopfgarten
Website of the hotel
Roadbike Plus
Roadbike & Wellness
Roadbike & Wellness
Here you can relax properly. Hotels with this service are designated wellness establishments with top spa programme.
Roadbike & Sport
Roadbike & Sport
If you want to enjoy other sports activities apart from road biking, then use the extensive sports programme of our hotels.
Roadbike services Services of all road bike hotels

Das Hohe Salve Sportresort S Raod bike hotel in Hopfgarten / Hohe Salve / Tyrol / Austria

Das Hohe Salve Sportresort
Das Hohe Salve Sportresort
Genuss & Kuliarik im Hohe Salve
Genuss & Kuliarik im Hohe Salve
Doppelzimmer superior
Doppelzimmer superior
Training im Sportresort
Training im Sportresort
Pool vom Sportresort
Pool vom Sportresort
Gravelbike Urlaub in der Region Hohe Salve
Gravelbike Urlaub in der Region Hohe Salve
Das Hohe Salve Sportresort
Genuss & Kuliarik im Hohe Salve
Doppelzimmer superior
Training im Sportresort
Pool vom Sportresort
Gravelbike Urlaub in der Region Hohe Salve
from € 109,00 Price per person
Das Hohe Salve Sportresort S Raod bike hotel in Hopfgarten / Hohe Salve / Tyrol / Austria

Highlights for your road bike holiday in Hopfgarten

  • E-gravel bike fleet

    for even more adventure and range

  • Special training & regeneration methods

    for the stressed muscles in the Move & Relax area

  • Bicycle depot

    as well as washing station, repair facilities, etc.

Das Hohe Salve Sportresort Gravel bike holidays in the Hohe Salve region

With its innovative Move & Relax philosophy, Das Hohe Salve Sportresort in Hopfgarten brings together what belongs together: exercise and relaxation. It taps directly into the passion of gravelers and offers numerous indoor sports activities, customised regeneration and healthy nutrition in addition to guided tours. But first, it's right outside the front door on breathtaking gravel routes across the Brixental Valley and to alpine hotspots in the Kitzbühel Alps.

  • Bike-In/Bike-Out. In addition to the hotel's own gravel e-bikes for hire, there are also guided gravel tours and numerous tour tips.
  • Before, after & in between, the numerous indoor sports programmes are tempting.
  • And the 1,400 m² Move & Relax area. Because active exercise, customised regeneration and healthy nutrition are the fundamental building blocks of the Move & Relax philosophy.
  • Use the findings from competitive sport alongside professional sports scientists - pump up your life.
Is there still an offer for your desired date?

Patrick Koller Head of Move & Relax area

If life gives you lemons, go on a gravel ride. Discover the Brixental Valley on a gravel bike with a highly trained & certified bike guide and his team.

to the roadbike-competence

Highlights for your road bike holiday in Hopfgarten

  • E-gravel bike fleet

    for even more adventure and range

  • Special training & regeneration methods

    for the stressed muscles in the Move & Relax area

  • Bicycle depot

    as well as washing station, repair facilities, etc.

Roadbike Plus
Roadbike & Wellness
Roadbike & Wellness Here you can relax properly.... Here you can relax properly. Hotels with this service are designated wellness establishments with top spa programme.
Roadbike & Sport
Roadbike & Sport If you want to enjoy other... If you want to enjoy other sports activities apart from road biking, then use the extensive sports programme of our hotels.
Das Hohe Salve Sportresort
Meierhofgasse 26
6361 Hopfgarten

Non-binding request for the road bike hotel in Hopfgarten

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Your inquiry goes directly to the road bike hotel: Sportresort Hohe Salve GmbH, Meierhofgasse 26, 6361 Hopfgarten im Brixental, Österreich

Patrick Koller Head of Move & Relax area

If life gives you lemons, go on a gravel ride. Discover the Brixental Valley on a gravel bike with a highly trained & certified bike guide and his team.

to the roadbike-competence

Offers from Das Hohe Salve Sportresort

Das Hohe Salve Sportresort is the certified gravel bike hotel in Hopfgarten for your cycling holiday in the Hohe Salve region. Select your offer for your road bike holiday in Tirol - Austria here.

Offers from Das Hohe Salve Sportresort

Das Hohe Salve Sportresort is the certified gravel bike hotel in Hopfgarten for your cycling holiday in the Hohe Salve region. Select your offer for your road bike holiday in Tirol - Austria here.

Your contract partner for inquiry & booking: Sportresort Hohe Salve GmbH, Meierhofgasse 26, 6361 Hopfgarten im Brixental, Österreich

Non-binding enquiry to Das Hohe Salve Sportresort

Are you interested in our prices and offers? Please let us know your holiday requirements. We will be happy to send you a non-binding offer.

Non-binding request for the road bike hotel in Hopfgarten

Durch das Absenden des Formulars, stimme ich zu, dass meine personenbezogenen Daten - wie in der Datenschutzerklärung beschrieben - zur Beantwortung der Anfrage und Information verarbeitet werden. Diese Zustimmung kann ich jederzeit unter datenschutz@mts-austria.at widerrufen.

Please complete all fields marked with *.

Your inquiry goes directly to the road bike hotel: Sportresort Hohe Salve GmbH, Meierhofgasse 26, 6361 Hopfgarten im Brixental, Österreich

Reviews of Das Hohe Salve Sportresort

All information and reviews of Das Hohe Salve Sportresort in Hopfgarten in Tirol can be found here.

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Das Hohe Salve Sportresort S Tyrol, Hohe Salve, 6361 Hopfgarten, Meierhofgasse 26