Fam. Herzog-Blumenkamp
Hütten 40
5771 Leogang
Website of the hotel
Roadbike Plus
Roadbike & Wellness
Roadbike & Wellness
Here you can relax properly. Hotels with this service are designated wellness establishments with top spa programme.
Roadbike & Sport
Roadbike & Sport
If you want to enjoy other sports activities apart from road biking, then use the extensive sports programme of our hotels.
Roadbike & Gourmet
Roadbike & Gourmet
You are a gourmet and love sophisticated Toque cuisine? Then are these excellent gourmet hotels just perfect for you.
Roadbike & Swimming
Roadbike & Swimming
You love to swim in the lake or the sea? No problem. Our hotels have a swimming beach where you can sunbathe and enjoy a swim in refreshing water.
Roadbike & Family
Roadbike & Family
Are you travelling with your family? Great! Even the youngest guests feel happy at our hotels. A children’s programme full of variety and competent childcare are waiting.
Roadbike services Services of all road bike hotels
Biohotel Rupertus in Leogang
Biohotel Rupertus in Leogang
Biohotel Rupertus in Leogang
Biohotel Rupertus in Leogang
Restaurant im Rennradhotel
Restaurant im Rennradhotel
Kulinarik & Genuss
Kulinarik & Genuss
Doppelzimmer im Rennradhotel
Doppelzimmer im Rennradhotel
Zirbensuite Abendrot im Biohotel
Zirbensuite Abendrot im Biohotel
Garten vom Rennradhotel
Garten vom Rennradhotel
Gravel biken in der Region Saalfelden Leogang
Gravel biken in der Region Saalfelden Leogang
Gravel biken in der Region Saalfelden Leogang
Gravel biken in der Region Saalfelden Leogang
Gravel biken in der Region Saalfelden Leogang
Gravel biken in der Region Saalfelden Leogang
Biohotel Rupertus in Leogang
Biohotel Rupertus in Leogang
Restaurant im Rennradhotel
Kulinarik & Genuss
Doppelzimmer im Rennradhotel
Zirbensuite Abendrot im Biohotel
Garten vom Rennradhotel
Gravel biken in der Region Saalfelden Leogang
Gravel biken in der Region Saalfelden Leogang
Gravel biken in der Region Saalfelden Leogang
from € 170,00 Price per person
Check availability
Biohotel Rupertus Raod bike hotel in Leogang / Saalbach Hinterglemm Leogang Fieberbrunn / Salzburg / Austria

Highlights for your road bike holiday in Leogang

  • Rental of the latest models

    (MTB, eMTB & gravel) from BMC & SCOR in the hotel

  • Guided tours & training

    for beginners & experts with certified guides

  • Discover new territories

    test the gravel bike feeling on a guided tour

Biohotel Rupertus Roadbike holidays in Leogang

No compromises, no empty lip service: the Biohotel Rupertus in Leogang focuses on 100% organic quality. And road biking expertise. The roots of the organically certified bike hotel date back to 1977 – and it’s a true family-run business with a great deal of passion. Organic isn’t just a trend here – it’s a philosophy of life: from the healthy full board to the climate-neutral way of life.

  • Leogang is known for its mountain bike & downhill scene, but also impresses as a road biking territory.
  • The Biohotel is the perfect starting point for your road bike holiday in Leogang Saalfelden.
  • You can explore the diverse and challenging road bike region around Salzburg right from your doorstep – by yourself or alongside the friendly bike guides Emil & Patrick on their daily tours.
  • Set off on gravel bikes from the hotel bike shop on your gravel holiday in Leogang Saalfelden away from the asphalt into the surrounding mountain world. You’ll find everything here – from flat lakeside routes to challenging mountain tours with winding descents. In the gravel road paradise of Leogang, for example, you can enjoy the impressive views of the Hochkönig and the Steinerne Meer by gravel bike on the Biberg Tour.

And while young bikers let off steam in the playroom, adults can relax in the wellness area with its infinity indoor & outdoor pool. Or enjoy some yoga with Lisa or Maddy – ohhmm …

Is there still an offer for your desired date?
Check availability

Emil & Patrick - die Guides vom Rupertus Biohotel Rupertus

The certified mountain bike guides from the Biohotel Rupertus are happy to reveal one or two hidden spots off the beaten track and around the Leogang region.

to the roadbike-competence

Highlights for your road bike holiday in Leogang

  • Rental of the latest models

    (MTB, eMTB & gravel) from BMC & SCOR in the hotel

  • Guided tours & training

    for beginners & experts with certified guides

  • Discover new territories

    test the gravel bike feeling on a guided tour

Roadbike Plus
Roadbike & Wellness
Roadbike & Wellness Here you can relax properly.... Here you can relax properly. Hotels with this service are designated wellness establishments with top spa programme.
Roadbike & Sport
Roadbike & Sport If you want to enjoy other... If you want to enjoy other sports activities apart from road biking, then use the extensive sports programme of our hotels.
Roadbike & Gourmet
Roadbike & Gourmet You are a gourmet and love... You are a gourmet and love sophisticated Toque cuisine? Then are these excellent gourmet hotels just perfect for you.
Roadbike & Swimming
Roadbike & Swimming You love to swim in the lake... You love to swim in the lake or the sea? No problem. Our hotels have a swimming beach where you can sunbathe and enjoy a swim in refreshing water.
Roadbike & Family
Roadbike & Family Are you travelling with your... Are you travelling with your family? Great! Even the youngest guests feel happy at our hotels. A children’s programme full of variety and competent childcare are waiting.
Fam. Herzog-Blumenkamp
Hütten 40
5771 Leogang

More information about your roadbike holiday in Leogang

Non-binding request for the road bike hotel in Leogang

Durch das Absenden des Formulars, stimme ich zu, dass meine personenbezogenen Daten - wie in der Datenschutzerklärung beschrieben - zur Beantwortung der Anfrage und Information verarbeitet werden. Diese Zustimmung kann ich jederzeit unter datenschutz@mts-austria.at widerrufen.

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Your inquiry goes directly to the road bike hotel: Rupertus GmbH & Co KG, Fam. Herzog-Blumenkamp, Hütten 40, 5771 Leogang, Österreich

Rennrad Kompetenz im Biohotel Rupertus

In unserem geprüften Rennrad Hotel triffst du auf Gleichgesinnte. Wir beraten dich gerne und geben dir Tipps zur Region Pinzgau und den besten Rennradtouren in Leogang.

Auf der Suche nach dem einen oder anderen versteckten Plätzchen beim Rennrad oder Gravelurlaub im Pinzgau? Dann bist du im Biohotel Rupertus genau richtig – denn hier findest du jahrelang aufgebaute Expertise zum Thema Biken. Rennrad, Gravel oder auch MTB: mit den Bikeguides Emil & Patrick machst du Saalfelden Leogang im Salzburger Land so richtig unsicher. Entweder holst du dir nur Insidertipps, um alleine die Schmuckstücke der Region zu entdecken, oder schließt dich einer der geführten Touren mit den neuen Gravelbikes an. Und wenn du mal exklusiv unterwegs sein und keine Lust auf Navigation hast, dann buchst du dir dein Private Guiding mit den Rupertus-Bikeexperten.

Emil & Patrick - die Guides vom Rupertus Biohotel Rupertus

The certified mountain bike guides from the Biohotel Rupertus are happy to reveal one or two hidden spots off the beaten track and around the Leogang region.

to the roadbike-competence

Offers of Biohotel Rupertus

The Biohotel Rupertus is the certified road bike hotel in Leogang for your cycling holiday in the Pinzgau region. Select your offer for your road bike holiday in the Salzburger Land - Austria now.

Gravel Forsthofalm Runde Biohotel Rupertus (Austria / Salzburg / Leogang)

Facts about the tour

  • Difficulty medium
  • Duration 00:40
  • Distance 6 km
  • Ascending 230 hm
  • Descending 230 hm
  • Gravel

Offers of Biohotel Rupertus

The Biohotel Rupertus is the certified road bike hotel in Leogang for your cycling holiday in the Pinzgau region. Select your offer for your road bike holiday in the Salzburger Land - Austria now.

Your contract partner for inquiry & booking: Rupertus GmbH & Co KG, Fam. Herzog-Blumenkamp, Hütten 40, 5771 Leogang, Österreich

Non-binding inquiry to the Biohotel Rupertus in Leogang

You are interested in our prices and packages? Please tell us your holiday wishes and we will gladly send you a non-binding offer.

Non-binding request for the road bike hotel in Leogang

Durch das Absenden des Formulars, stimme ich zu, dass meine personenbezogenen Daten - wie in der Datenschutzerklärung beschrieben - zur Beantwortung der Anfrage und Information verarbeitet werden. Diese Zustimmung kann ich jederzeit unter datenschutz@mts-austria.at widerrufen.

Please complete all fields marked with *.

Your inquiry goes directly to the road bike hotel: Rupertus GmbH & Co KG, Fam. Herzog-Blumenkamp, Hütten 40, 5771 Leogang, Österreich

Ratings of the Biohotel Rupertus

All information and ratings about the Biohotel Rupertus in Leogang in the Salzburger Land can be found here.

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Biohotel Rupertus Salzburg, Saalbach Hinterglemm Leogang Fieberbrunn, 5771 Leogang, Hütten 40